Friday, May 3, 2024
About Us


I have been a part of the St Vincent De Paul Parish School community for most of my life. I attended myself and now my children attend the school. Prior to elementary school, my children were enrolled in the Nano Nagle Children’s Center for daycare. I feel fortunate that the daycare program gave my children such a great head start on learning. My kids love school, their teachers, and the community as a whole. As a parent, I am impressed with how much they have learned and how advanced they are for their respective ages. The administrators are approachable and willing to step in if my child is in need of extra care or attention. I am amazed that the principal, Mr. Green, and the assistant principal, Mrs. Lambert, know every student by name. The administrators care about the students, and that caring attitude exhibits itself through the words and actions of the school staff. The teachers connect with their students and tailor their efforts to fit the individual student needs. The high quality education, excellent teachers, and caring administration make the school a perfect fit for my family.
-Lisa Woodbury, Current Parent

St. Vincent is more than a school. St. Vincent is a community. It mentors our children. It nurtures their academic and spiritual development. It teaches them to succeed in the broader sense of the word.
-Vicki Calevas, Current Parent

The beauty of Catholic Education is its focus on the whole child.  It is not an endeavor of filling the child with knowledge, but rather of helping them discover the world through their relationship with the Creator.  With Christ at its center, Catholic Education allows children not only to learn about the world around them, but also to discover their place and purpose in the world.  When they know what they were created for, they grow into individuals who seek to serve others.
— Carol Sanderson, Teacher and Current Parent

As a graduate of Saint Vincent School, I knew that by sending my children here they would receive an excellent faith based education. I also believe that the sense of community we have at St. Vincent School is unmatched.   There is a sense of comfort and kindness at this school.  When I send my kids to school, I’m simply sending them to my, to their, extended family.  They always jump out of the car smiling and rushing in.

The faculty at the school has given me support and my children personalized focus when they’ve needed it.  So many teachers have helped with my kids’ special needs so that they could get what they needed from their education.  Mr. Green has given us his time and energy as well.  Saint Vincent School has been a big blessing in my life and the lives of my children.  This school is part of my family.
— Gina Williford, Alumnus and Former Parent

I always have fun at St. Vincent School.  I really like my teachers and know that they really care about me and my classmates.  I have friends in my class and in other classes that I am excited to see every day.  Learning in our regular classroom is great, but I also like the other classes and activities like choir, music, computers and art appreciation.  I feel lucky that I can go to Mass every week and now it is even more special because I can take communion.
— Helena, Current Student

One of the most important dividends we’ve received at Saint Vincent School is   becoming a part of another family – the Saint Vincent’s family.

As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.  Saint Vincent School is our “village” full of teachers, staff and friends who    provide support and love to our kids and to us. We are so thankful to have so many people in our children’s lives that care about them and to have met so many great friends here. It sounds corny, but it really is the community at Saint Vincent’s that makes the difference.
— Gretchen DuBois, Alumnus and Former Parent

At St. Vincent School I feel like the teachers have high expectations of everyone.  It is really a safe and nice school with lots of opportunities to be involved in activities.  Every month there is a service project so the students learn a lot about helping others.  I like walking down the halls and knowing most of the other kids.   And there are always a lot of parents involved so it is a nice community.
— Nicholas, Student