What is HSA?

HSA stands for Home and School Association. HSA is a group of dedicated parents who work closely with school officials and administrators to organize events, raise funds, organize room parent volunteers, and positively impact the overall school community.

What is the time commitment?

As a member of HSA, you can give the amount of time that is suitable to your schedule! We ask that you attend the monthly meetings when possible. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the evening. Throughout the year, HSA sponsors several events. HSA members do not have to participate in and volunteer for every event. HSA members are expected to attend if and when they can. Many HSA sponsored events occur in the evening and/or on the weekends. The amount of time you spend volunteering for HSA will count toward your required PIP hours but the number of hours you give is up to you.

How do I join?

Please email office@stvincents-school.org stating you would like to join HSA. The office administration team will send your request to the HSA President letting them know you would like to join HSA! The HSA President will reach out to you directly and provide you with the next meeting date and time. Then, just show up to the next meeting and that’s it!

2024-2025 Officers

  • Presidents: Kaisa Cardall & Katie Grisley
  • Secretary: Kristin Kladis

Click here for Free Ways to Give to your school!

Meeting Schedule

HSA meets in the Extended Day Room the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 6:30–7:30pm, with the exception of December, when the time and location will be announced to members through a special announcement.

Volunteer Opportunities

Check the weekly Blast email for HSA sponsored event volunteer signups.

Spirit Wear distribution
Parent/teacher conferences
Halloween carnival
Faculty/staff Christmas gifts
Open house
Parent/teacher conferences
St. Patrick’s Day parade

Fun Run
Missoula Children’s Theatre
Grandparent’s Day
Teacher appreciation week
Door decorating
Used uniform collection/sorting