Student Support

  • Oversee K-8 Renaissance STAR testing, administering progress monitoring data, and analyzing testing data
  • Administer PELI testing in PreK
  • Use data insights to differentiate in Student Support and in the classroom
  • Plan enhancement activities to support curriculum standards and engagement ( Fact Fluency, All Star Lit, Essay contests, Poetry Under the Pavilion…)
  • Work with teachers to identify students in need of support, intervention, or additional testing.
  • Administer Cognitive and Achievement testing as requested or needed
  • Work with families and outside services to determine diagnosis eligibility
  • Provide teachers with resources for instruction through PD and team meetings
  • Build home Literacy Totes for K-3 students biweekly
  • Provide 1-1 and small group intervention for students identified as highest need
  • Plan and implement effective Lit Team time to address various levels of learning
  • Meet quarterly with Lit Team teachers to collaborate and brainstorm
  • Write and maintain Support Plans;collaborate with team to update goals, data, and progress
  • Help teachers develop and implement differentiation strategies to reach all students’ individual needs
  • Provide classroom observation data in inform instructional decisions